Solving Corruption in the Church and Nation
Solving Corruption in the Church and Nation
Kenya, like all other nations in this world, is troubled by many social ills. As evangelical Christians we believe the solution is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through faith in Christ people are converted and baptized into the Body of Christ, the invisible church universal. They become members of a visible local congregation of believers. Through the evangelizing and discipling ministry of the church more and more are converted. Together they form the visible church and are mandated by Christ to be salt and light in society: salt to preserve society from moral filth, and light to show the path to godly living through faith and obedience to Jesus Christ.
The major problem is that in practice the Christian church so often reflects the same moral rot found in society. The church has failed to be salt and light. Solving Corruption in the Church and Nation shines light on this problem and explores a biblical solution. This book is for you because it points to the solution for this ongoing and unending moral mess.